UI/UX Designer

IT Jobs Montreal introduces you the IT profession UI/UX Designer. IT employers in the Greater Montreal are looking for UI/UX Designer people. If you have any kind of interest in this job, you will find information on how to become UI/UX Designer, and all the related job offers from employers referenced on IT Jobs Montreal.

Check out what is the salary range in Montreal for UI/UX Designer

Tasks description

The uX designer's main task is to improve the user use on any platform. It focuses only on the expectations and needs of the user, taking into account the project objectives of his client. Its role is crucial: it must simplify the use that users make and create a positive emotion by incorporating a "story telling" to the user experience in order to retain them. Its role is to facilitate the handling of the site, its accessibility and generate confidence among users. In contrast, UX designers who are interested in the user experience, UI focused on the visual look and feel of the product. They are responsible for every page designer with which the user interacts and ensures consistency with the visual "road user" directed by the UX Designer. It will look for example to visually define the error displays on the pages.

Required skills

One of the primary characteristics for UX Designer remains creativity, uX designer must be able to imagine and devise solutions without respite. His sense of observation allows him to detect new behaviors and analyzed. It identifies and highlights all the crucial points of the user experience. It is necessary that the designer knows uX get his ideas with great skill to be able to defend his choices for user route adopted. Finally mastering tools and Balsamiq Axure is essential for uX designer. It is necessary that the designer knows uI get his ideas with skill to justify its choice and agree with uX designer on the adopted user interface. Finally mastering the Adobe suite (Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator ...) and sketchfab is essential for ui designer.


There is no specific diploma UX designer web business. However, there are courses in digital art, graphic design, computer graphics, computer and multimedia to lead to this type of position.

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1 IT jobs
Last update 3/31/2025