IT Security Specialist

IT Jobs Montreal introduces you the IT profession IT Security Specialist. IT employers in the Greater Montreal are looking for IT Security Specialist people. If you have any kind of interest in this job, you will find information on how to become IT Security Specialist, and all the related job offers from employers referenced on IT Jobs Montreal.

Check out what is the salary range in Montreal for IT Security Specialist

Tasks description

The security specialist can work in a large company, a security expert firm or be self-employed. The focus areas are very large, it is often specialized in one of the four main areas that are technology (purchases and maintenance), security management (governance), systems (development and evolution) and finally verification and control (compliance). Develop policies and procedures sécurité.Sensibiliser employees to safety issues, Implement and manage firewalls and intrusion detection systems and antivirus systems, Setting up virtual networks and teleworking Install secure SMTP gateways, Making technology watch intensively and regularly.

Required skills

Have expertise in technology infrastructure (directory services, distributed security architectures, security systems management) Possess expertise in virtual private networks, firewall, TCP / IP, tokens, authentication systems , Know the operating systems (Windows, Unix and Linux), Mastering IT project management.


DEC or Bachelor's in Computer conseillé.Des professional and specific certifications (CISSP, SANS GIAC or) have a atout.Le security specialist position usually requires professional experience of 2 years in IT security or 5 years in Information Technology .

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1 IT jobs
Last update 3/31/2025